
Psalm 1: Wisdom for Prosperity (5.21.23)

This is the first message in a new series in the book of Psalms, "Wisdom For Prosperity." Most of us want to be prosperous, but we're thinking about prosperity in the wrong ways. Prosperity isn't about money or material things. It's more about fruitfulness and influence. That's what Psalm 1 is all about.

Psalm 29: Give God Some Glory (5.28.23)

In this message, Pastor Ed dug into Psalm 29, "Give God Some Glory." We give lots of things and people "glory." But there is only ONE who is truly worthy of it... the Lord. David calls us to give Him glory and that's what we're committing to do... the what, why, and how of glorifying God.

Psalm 51: Wisdom Needed When We Fail (6.4.23)

This morning Pastor Ed walked through Psalm 51, Wisdom Needed When We Fail! We all fail at points in our lives. King David, one of the greats of the Bible, known as a friend of God, had a major fail... or two or three! His confession as written in Psalm 51 is instructive for us when we fail too. There's GRACE, forgiveness, and RESTORATION possible and available and ready for YOU and me.

Psalm 67: God’s Heart, Our Part (6.11.23)

This message is from Psalm 67, Wisdom Needed For The Nations! The title is actually, "God's Heart, Our Part." What if we could know exactly what's on God's heart? Would that change the things that are on our hearts? May God fan into flame a passion for the things that are on His heart in us.

Psalm 103: Wisdom Needed When We Forget (7.23.23)

This message is from Psalm 104, Wisdom Needed When We Forget. In this message, Pastor Ed shared the background story of his tattoo. More importantly, we are called to NOT FORGET all the incredible benefits of knowing God, as David laid out the benefit package.

**Sorry about the sound issue. We're working through it but haven't figured out what's causing it.